Ray Hiemstra for Orange County Water District, Division 1

Hãy bầu cho Ray Hiemstra

Orange County Water District, Division 1

Ray Hiemstra works at the Orange County Coastkeeper, a nonprofit organization protecting water quality in OC. Previously, he served at the City of Huntington Beach Environmental Board.


  • quan tâm và sử dụng bền vững nguồn nước hiện có tại địa phương, thay vì luôn theo đuổi các nguồn nước mới
  • cùng luôn đảm bảo rằng tất cả cư dân đều có quyền được sử dụng nước sạch với giá cả vừa phải


  • Orange County League of Conservation Voters
  • Megan Yoo Schneider, Board President, Municipal Water District of Orange County
  • Karl Seckel, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County

What does the Orange County Water District Do?

The Orange County Water District manages underground water that is the source of water in 19 cities in northern and central Orange County. Ten board members provide direction to personnel to ensure water is safe and affordable.

In the 2022 elections, voters will elect board members for Divisions 1, 5, 7.

Quảng cáo được chi trả bởi Orange County PAC (FEC ID#C00754192) Bảo trợ bởi OC Action.
Nguồn vốn chính của Ủy ban Từ:
Progressive ERA PAC
California Working Families Party
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